How to Grow Celery Indoors Using Kitchen Scraps: No Garden Necessary
Celery not only provides a delightful crunch to your favorite meals but can also be easily cultivated from kitchen scraps right in the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for a garden. The process of regrowing celery is straightforward, requiring minimal time and expense, making it accessible to all, regardless of your gardening expertise. This guide will walk you through a step-by-step approach to regrowing celery in pots, starting from the water phase and progressing to soil.
Fresh Celery: Obtain a bunch of celery from a local farmer’s market or grocery store, ensuring it has crisp and sturdy stalks.
Containers: Choose containers with drainage openings for both the water and soil phases. This can include glass jars, plastic bottles, or any repurposed water-holding vessel.
Regrowth Stages:
Step 1: Harvesting and Preparing Celery Scraps
Slice the celery, leaving approximately 2 inches of the base for regeneration.
Remove outer layers that might impede the regrowth process.
Step 2: Water Regrowth
Place the celery base in a container with enough width to accommodate the cut end.
Change the water every few days to maintain cleanliness and provide necessary nutrients.
New leaves should emerge from the center after a week or two.
Step 3: Soil Transplanting