Since discovering this method, I’ve ceased to discard orange peels – All Recipes Healthy Food

Since discovering this method, I’ve ceased to discard orange peels


After the 15 days, strain the mixture to remove any orange peel remnants. Transfer the liquid to a spray bottle and utilize it to combat tough stains.

The combination of vinegar and orange oils creates a natural cleaner that efficiently eliminates grease and grime from various surfaces, leaving behind a pleasant scent.

This natural cleaning solution results from the essential oils released from the peels during the maceration process.

The same method can be applied to other citrus fruits such as mandarins or lemons, depending on personal preference.

As pleasant weather approaches, it’s worthwhile to experiment with this method each time we enjoy an orange.

Not only will we have a natural, surface-safe cleaner, but we’ll also save money by bypassing the need for store-bought cleaning supplies.