PINEAPPLE BREAD – All Recipes Healthy Food




Pineapple bread is a delicious dessert that mixes the exotic sweetness of pineapple with the warm and reassuring deliciousness of bread that has been freshly baked. This delectable dish may easily be prepared for breakfast, brunch, or a snack in the afternoon. Each mouthful delivers an explosion of flavor because of the pineapple chunks that have been baked into the fluffy, soft bread. Now is the time to tie on your apron and get ready to begin a new baking journey with this recipe for pineapple bread.

It is a beautiful tropical touch on classic bread recipes that combines the juicy sweetness of pineapple with the comforting taste of freshly baked bread. Pineapple bread is a wonderful example of this tropical variation. This dish, with its chewy consistency and intense pineapple taste in bursts, is certain to become a favorite among your loved ones and close friends. Gather all of your ingredients, preheat your oven, and get ready to enjoy the flavor of paradise with this wonderful pineapple bread recipe that you can make at home!


250 grams.Of all-purpose flour.

2 large eggs.

1 Cup.Of granulated sugar.

1/2 Cup.Of softened butter.

1 Tsp.Of baking powder.

1/2 Tsp.Of baking soda.

1/2 Tsp.Of salt.

1 Tsp.Of vanilla extract.

1 Cup.Of crushed pineapple, drained.

1/2 Cup.Of pineapple juice.

1/4 Cup.Of buttermilk.