NO-BAKE PEANUT BUTTER HAYSTACKS: A Quick and Irresistible Treat – All Recipes Healthy Food

NO-BAKE PEANUT BUTTER HAYSTACKS: A Quick and Irresistible Treat


The Ingredients list:

2 Cups.Of chow mein noodles

1 Cup.Of creamy peanut butter

1 Cup.Of butterscotch chips

1/2 Cup.Of unsalted peanuts (optional, for added crunch)

1/2 Cup.Of mini marshmallows (optional, for extra sweetness)


1st Step

In a large mixing bowl, combine the chow mein noodles, peanuts (if using), and mini marshmallows (if using). Toss them together gently to distribute the ingredients evenly.

2nd Step

Over low heat, combine the creamy peanut butter and butterscotch chips in a medium saucepan. Keep stirring until everything is blended and smooth.

3rd Step

Combine the butterscotch and peanut butter and pour them over the chow mein. Gently fold and mix until all the noodles are uniformly coated, using a spatula or wooden spoon.

4th Step

Prepare a parchment paper-lined baking sheet or tray. Drop the mixture by the spoonful onto the parchment paper, or use your hands to do so. Form them into little mounds that resemble haystacks.

5th Step

Let the haystacks cool for at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour at room temperature, or until they are set and will not collapse.

6th Step

When they have reached their desired consistency, the No-Bake Peanut Butter Haystacks are ready to be consumed. They’ll last for a week in an airtight container, but you’ll probably eat them all before then!

Optional Variations:

Experiment with different types of nuts for added crunch and flavor.

Substitute butterscotch chips with white or dark chocolate chips for a different twist.

Drizzle melted chocolate over the haystacks for an extra decadent touch.