Try these simple methods, and you’ll never see flies, mosquitoes, or cockroaches in your house again šŸ¤©: – All Recipes Healthy Food

Try these simple methods, and you’ll never see flies, mosquitoes, or cockroaches in your house again šŸ¤©:


Try these simple methods, and you’ll never see flies, mosquitoes, or cockroaches in your house again šŸ¤©:

1. Homemade Mosquito Trap:

Mix 1 cup of water and 5 tablespoons of sugar in a pot. Dissolve the sugar over low heat.

Add 1 tablespoon of yeast, then turn off the stove.

Cut the top off a 2-liter plastic bottle and invert it into the base.

Pour the sugar and yeast mixture into the bottle.

Seal the top with tape and cover the bottle with cardboard or fabric.

Place the trap in areas where mosquitoes gather.

2. Bay Leaf and Clove Spray:

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