Title: Grandma’s Time-Tested Trick: Preserving Lemons with Salt – All Recipes Healthy Food

Title: Grandma’s Time-Tested Trick: Preserving Lemons with Salt


Title: Grandma’s Time-Tested Trick: Preserving Lemons with Salt

Storing lemons in the refrigerator might not be the optimal solution, as the low temperature can lead to dehydration and the drying out of citrus zest. So, what’s the best way to store a surplus of lemons? Let’s explore.

Lemons are prone to mold formation, influenced by climatic conditions, transportation damage, and the acidic pH that makes them more susceptible to fungus spores. While mold doesn’t render lemons toxic, it’s essential to prevent its growth.

To ward off spores and ensure long-lasting freshness, consider the following method:

Cut lemon slices.

Combine water and salt in a container.

Place the lemon slices in the container.

Seal it tightly and shake well.

Store for months.

By pickling lemons in a saltwater solution, you can effectively preserve their freshness for an extended period, thanks to the unique properties of salt. This age-old trick passed down from Grandma offers a simple yet effective way to keep your lemons mold-free.